Monday, February 22, 2010

As I look at this picture the one thing that comes to mind is that there is someone that has decided to be themselves, to be an individual, to not follow the pack. I would place myself in this category, I don't like following the crowd just because it might be the in thing to do, I follow my heart and my convictions. I don't think it is a good idea in life to just follow along, we all need to be who we were created to be and allow ourselves to be shaped by our beliefs, not the beliefs of others. I have seen another picture of a fish swimming against the flow of  the others and that is what this picture reminds me of. I am a person who stands for what I believe and am not easily influnenced by the beliefs of others. I have desires in my heart and that is the direction that I am headed and as I continue to look at the picture, that is what I am reminded of. We all don't have to look or act like each other, can you imagine what a boring world this would be if we were all exactly the same, without individuality, we might as well sleep through life. Thank God for our differences, for our creativity and for each of us having our own voice. this picture if you really take the time to look at it speaks volumes. I hope that we all decide to be ourselves and not an imitation of someone else, there are to many people out there trying to be someone they are not instead of embracing who they are and loving who they are. I love the differences. I hope to always be myself at this point in my life, to many times when I was younger I tried being who others wanted me to be and now I am who I am and I love the person I have become.

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