Friday, April 16, 2010

Dog or Cats

Dogs are the best, I have 2 of them. Sophie is 2 and 1/2 pound Teacup Yorkie and Chief is an 85-90 pound German Shepherd. They are the best. I keep a Sophie's hair up in a ponytail. My granddaughter Zoey loves Chief, every time she comes upstairs she has to see Chief, she wants to see Chief while she is eating. She comes to have us pick her up just so that she can see Chief and Chief comes to the fence so that Zoey can see him.

Zoey is real gentle with Sophie and they chase each other around the living room, it is hilarious. Sophie of course is a lap dog, she wants to be with her people all the time. She thinks anyone that comes over to our home comes to see her and she will do whatever she can to get their attention.
I have a pink purse to carry Sophie around in, the only problem is that she gets car sick really easily and I have to give her dogie Dramamine if I want to take her with me, unless we go in our friend RV and then she is fine. She loves other dogs we just have to be careful because if they step on her that would be the end of her.

My husband wants a Harley and right now we are working towards one, so in the meantime I went and bought Sophie along with a T-shirt for dogs that said Harley Davidson on it, I put it on her and when my husband came home I handed Sophie to him and said here honey here is your Harley, of course we had a good laugh.

I so prefer Dogs over cats, I don't want an animal that uses a litter box and then jumps up on the table I eat our meals on or the cabinets that I prepare food on, even though I have disinfected them I still don't like the idea. Our dogs bring much joy to our family and I wouldn't want to be without one. I wish Sophie didn't get sick because I would love to take her with me all the time. I could even bring her to class and no one would know that I had her with me because she is so quiet. I will have to add pictures of my dogs to this Blog.

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