Sunday, April 25, 2010


There are many ways in which to think about the word preparing. We prepare for our day, we prepare for a presentation, we prepare our food and for me I am preparing for my finals. I can't believe this semester is almost over. This week-end my daughter and I prepared for our cooking final which is at 8 am tomorrow morning. We practiced filleting fish, different sauces and such. When we were done the kitchen was a mess, it was to small an area for all that was going on but we managed and cleaned it up. Our husbands enjoyed dinner very much, cleaning their plates.

Today, I prepared everything that I want to take with me in the morning, certain spices, shallots, garlic and more. I pressed my uniform and packed my knives. I made out my lists, so I am as ready as I can be for my final.

I am preparing for my other finals as well by studying. I have loved this semester but now I am preparing to enjoy my summer break, although I will be working, that has rewards all in its own.

I think for tonight this is all I have to say on this subject.

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